Source: /cirosantilli/oxford-mathematics-moodle

= Oxford mathematics Moodle

= Moodle of the Oxford Mathematics Institute of Oxford

<Moodle> instance of the <Mathematical Institute of the University of Oxford>.

Has a mixture of <open access> and closed access. But at least it can have open access unlike the in-house systems such as <Canvas (Oxford)> where everything is necessarily paywalled!

Sometimes things appear open but don't show any meaningful content if you are not logged in, which is annoying.

But at least it gives a clear public course list, thing that certain departments (cough <Department of Physics of the University of Oxford> cough).

The organization is a bit crap, when you expand e.g. C <Michaelmas term> it shows nothing, just a search.

The way to go is via the year year categories e.g. "Year 2022-23":[]. Term splitting is annoying, but one can stand it.

There seems to be no way to list all versions of a single course across multiple years besides just doing a search e.g.