= Pageviews Analysis
Cool tool that allows you to graphically visualize page view counts of specific pages. It offers somewhat similar insights to <Google Trends>.
Homepage: https://pageviews.wmcloud.org/
Documentation: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Pageviews_Analysis#Massviews
The homepage shows views of selected pages, e.g. when <Google> had their 25th birthday: https://pageviews.wmcloud.org/?project=en.wikipedia.org&platform=all-access&agent=user&redirects=0&start=2023-09-11&end=2023-10-01&pages=Cat|Dog|Larry_Page <Larry Page> briefly beat "Cat" and "Dog".
`/topviews` shows the most viewed pages for a given month: https://pageviews.wmcloud.org/topviews/?project=en.wikipedia.org&platform=all-access&date=2023-08&excludes= It is extremelly epic that https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XXX:_Return_of_Xander_Cage[XXX: Return of Xander Cage], a 2017 film, is on the top ten of the August 2023 month. The page was around 8th place on a <Google> search for "xxx": https://archive.ph/wip/giRY8 at the time. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XXXX_(beer)[XXXX (beer)] was also on the top 20, followed by https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex[Sex] on 21.
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