= Photomultiplier tube
{tag=Photonics equipment}
Can be used to <single photon production and detection experiments>[detect single photons].
<Richard Feynman> likes them, he describes the tube at <Richard Feynman Quantum Electrodynamics Lecture at University of Auckland (1979)> at one point.
It uses the <photoelectric effect> multiple times to produce a chain reaction. In particular, as mentioned at https://youtu.be/5V8VCFkAd0A?t=74 from <video Using a Photomultiplier to Detect single photons by Huygens Optics> this means that the device has a lowest sensitive light frequency, beyond which <photons> don't have enough energy to eject any <electrons>.
{title=Using a <Photomultiplier> to <Detect single photons> by <#Huygens Optics>}
{description=2024. Wow this dude is amazing as usual. Unfortunately he's not using a <single photon source>, just an <LED>.}
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