Source: /cirosantilli/pokemon

= Pokemon
{tag=Games young Ciro Santilli played}

One of the main <children cartoons Ciro Santilli liked to watch>. Part of the <Pokemon Mania> of the 90s of course.

Ciro could not understand why Nintendo won't make a proper 3D[MMORPG] Pokemon with actually 3D Pokemon roaming the land, which is obviously what everyone wants. There are even fan games getting there!
* Interesting concept here, where when you deploy a Pokemon, you start controlling the Pokemon rather than the main character
until this explaiend it beautifully <video The Downfall Of Mainline Pokemon Games by GONZ media (2020)>:
* Pokemon became an <industrialized> yearly game spitting machine, and therefore any new feature is just extra risk
* Pokemon was kept mostly as a handheld exclusive to sell handlhelds, with a few early exceptions such asémon_Snap[Pokemon Snap]

{title=Instead of risking anything new, let's play it safe by continuing our slow decline into obsolecense cartoon by Tom Fishburne}

{title=The Downfall Of Mainline Pokemon Games by GONZ media (2020)}
{description=Great video, explains things Ciro had never thought about, e.g. how the Nintendo Switch unified handheld and console for Nintento, this could open the doors for a more ambitious Pokemon release.}