Source: /cirosantilli/position-and-momentum-space

= Position and momentum space

One of the main reasons why physicists are obsessed by this topic is that position and momentum are mapped to the <phase space coordinates> of <Hamiltonian mechanics>, which appear in the <matrix mechanics> formulation of <quantum mechanics>, which offers insight into the theory, particularly when generalizing to <relativistic quantum mechanics>.

One way to think is: what is the definition of space space? It is a way to write the wave function $\psi_x(x)$ such that:
* the position operator is the multiplication by $x$
* the momentum operator is the derivative by $x$
And then, what is the definition of momentum space? It is of course a way to write the wave function $\psi_p(p)$ such that:
* the momentum operator is the multiplication by $p$\#39508 gives the best idea intuitive idea: the <Fourier transform> writes a function as a (continuous) sum of plane waves, and each plane wave has a fixed momentum.
