Source: /cirosantilli/quantization-as-an-eigenvalue-problem

= Quantization as an Eigenvalue Problem
{title2=by Schrödinger}

= Quantisierung als Eigenwertproblem

= Quantization as an Eigenvalue Problem by Schrödinger (1926)

This paper appears to calculate the <Schrödinger equation solution for the hydrogen atom>.

TODO is this the original paper on the <Schrödinger equation>?

Published on <Annalen der Physik> in 1926.

<Open access> in <German (language)> at:[] which gives volume 384, Issue 4, Pages 361-376. Kudos to <Wiley> for that. E.g. <Nature (journal)> did not have similar policies as of 2023.

This paper may have fallen into the <public domain> in the <US> in 2022! On the <Internet Archive> we can see scans of the journal that contains it at:[]. <Ciro Santilli> extracted just the paper to:[]. It is not as well processed as the Wiley one, but it is of 100% guaranteed clean <public domain> provenance! TODO: hmmm, it may be <public domain> in the USA but not <Germany>, where 70 years after author deaths rules, and Schrodinger died in 1961, so it may be up to 2031 in that country... messy stuff. There's also the question of wether copyright is was tranferred to AdP at publication or not. 

An early <English (language)> translation present at <Collected Papers On Wave Mechanics by Deans (1928)>.

Contains formulas such as the <Schrödinger equation solution for the hydrogen atom> (1''):
\left( \pdv{\psi}{x} \right) ^ 2 + \left( \pdv{\psi}{y} \right) ^ 2 + \left( \pdv{\psi}{z} \right) ^ 2 + \frac{2m}{K} \left( E + \frac{2}{r} \right) \psi^2 = 0
* $r = \sqrt{x^2 + y^2 + z^2}$
* \Q[In order for there to be numerical agreement, $K$ must have the value $h/2\pi$]
* \Q[$e$, $m$ are the charge and mass of the electron]