= Quantum computer simulator
= Quantum computer simulation
Other good lists:
* https://quantumcomputingreport.com/resources/tools/ is hard to beat as usual.
* https://www.quantiki.org/wiki/list-qc-simulators
* <JavaScript>
* https://algassert.com/quirk demo: https://github.com/Strilanc/Quirk drag-and-drop, by a 2019-quantum-computing-<Googler>, impressive. You can create gates. State store in URL.
* https://github.com/stewdio/q.js/ demo: https://quantumjavascript.app/
* https://www.epcc.ed.ac.uk/whats-happening/articles/energy-efficient-quantum-computing-simulations mentions two types of <quantum computer simulation>:
* > The most common approach to quantum simulations is to store the whole state in memory and to modify it with gates in a given order
* > However, there is a completely different approach that can sometimes eliminate this issue - tensor networks
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