Source: /cirosantilli/quantum-field-theory-lecture-by-tobias-osborne-2017/lecture-3

= Lecture 3

* symmetry in classical field theory
* from Lagrangian density we can algorithmically get equations of motion, but the Lagrangian density is a more compact way of representing the equations of motion
* definition of symmetry in context: keeps Lagrangian unchanged up to a total derivative
* <Noether's theorem>
* Lagrangian and conservation example under translations
* same but for <Poincaré transformations> But now things are harder, because it is harder to describe general infinitesimal Poincare transforms than it was to describe the translations. Using constraints/definition of Lorentz transforms, also constricts the allowed infinitesimal symmetries to 6 independent parameters
* brings out <Poisson brackets>, and concludes that each conserved current maps to a <generator of a Lie algebra>[generator of the Lie algebra]

  This allows you to build the symmetry back from the conserved charges, just as you can determine conserved charges starting from the symmetry.