= Raspberry Pi Pico W MicroPython example
An upstream repo at: https://github.com/raspberrypi/pico-micropython-examples
Our examples at: \a[rpi-pico-w/upython].
The examples can be run as described at <Program Raspberry Pi Pico W with MicroPython>.
* \a[rpi-pico-w/upython/blink.py]: blink on-board <LED>. Note that they broke the LED hello world compatibility from non-W to W for God's sake!!!
* \a[rpi-pico-w/upython/led_on.py]: turn on-board LED on and leave it on forever
* \a[rpi-pico-w/upython/uart.py]: has automatic <UART> via USB. Any `print()` command ends up on the <Raspberry Pi Pico W UART>! Is is just like with <Micro Bit>, must be a standard Micro Python thing. The onboard LED is blinked as a <heartbeat (computing)>.
* \a[rpi-pico-w/upython/blink_gpio.py]: toggle GPIO pin 0 on and off twice a second. Also toggle the on-board LED and print to UART for correlation. You can see this in action e.g. by linking an LED between pin 0 and one of the GND pins of the Pi, and the LED will blink.
* \a[rpi-pico-w/upython/pwm.py]: <pulse width modulation>. Using the same circuit as the \a[rpi-pico-w/upython/blink_gpio.py] example, you will now see the external LED go from dark to bright continuously and then back
* \a[rpi-pico-w/upython/adc.py]: <analog-to-digital converter>. The program prints to the <UART> the value of the ADC on GPIO 26 once every 0.2 seconds. The onboard LED is blinked as a <heartbeat (computing)>. The hello world is with a <potentiometer>: extremes on GND and VCC pins of the Pi, and middle output on pin 26, then as you turn the knob, the uart value goes from about 0 to about 64k.
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