Source: /cirosantilli/reactions-to-cirosantilli-com

= Reactions to

Deep psychological analyses:
* <Hacker News> user[MichaelZuo comments] on a post about <CIA 2010 covert communication websites>:
  \Q[[Yeah [the website] seems a bit odd, as if the author is intentionally trolling in some areas, or is easily susceptible to being trolled by random folks, and thus displaying some kind of compensation dynamic.]]
* user `Opening_Gazelle_1323` comments:
  \Q[Can your kid be the next Fields Medalist or Nobel Prize winner? I'm here to help, especially if you are filthy rich!]


  Brother Sanxihou’s mouth is so full of flavor that he can be named an honorary Chinese.
* from <sponsor/1000 Monero donation> user `Inaeipathy`:;
  \Q[It reads like an ode to himself, very strange in my opinion. I don't really know what's up with the black-green text scheme, I can barely read any of it.]
* originally on <4chan>:
  \Q[a based retard]
  \Q[Is that his own personal site where he has just listed everything he has ever done? Based.]
  \Q[He refers to himself in the third person, because gender has non place in the Sciences. Based autismo.]
  \Q[Holy based. Keep up the good work my man.]