Source: /cirosantilli/real-time-polymerase-chain-reaction

= Real-time polymerase chain reaction

Also known as: Quantitative PCR (qPCR).

Like PCR, but the amplification machine measures the concentration of DNA at each step.

This describes one possible concentration detection method with <fluorescence>[fluorescent] molecules that only become fluorescent when the DNA is double stranded ([SYBR Green])

{title=Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) - Quantitative PCR (qPCR) by Applied Biological Materials (2016)}

This allows you to predict the exact initial concentration by extrapolating the exponential curve backwards.

TODO: vs non-real-time PCR. Why can't you just divide by 2 for every heating step to reach back the original concentration? Likely the reaction reach saturation at an unknown step.

TODO: vs non-real-time PCR in medical diagnostics: do you really need to know concentration for diagnostics? Isn't it enough to know if the virus is present or not?