= Richard Bates
{disambiguate=Silk Road advisor and Ross' friend}
He testified against Ross: https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2015/01/friend-who-helped-ulbricht-build-silk-road-testifies-against-him/
https://youtu.be/HBTYVVUBAGs?t=178 claims to contain a photo of him without source. He has no easy to find online profiles.
> <Variety Jones>: IRL, is there anyone with a clue at all? A girlfriend, boyfriend, buddy you talk to, etc?
myself: Unfortunately yes, there are two but they think I sold the site and got out, and they're quite convinced of it.
His email was published: baronsyntax@gmail.com. They actaully talked on <Google Chat>. OMG.
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