= Saylor Academy
This is an interesting initiative which has some similarities to <Ciro Santilli>'s <OurBigBook> project.
The fatal flaw of the initiative in <Ciro Santilli>'s opinion is the lack of <#user-generated content>. We will never get there without UGC and algorithms, never.
Also as of 2021, it mostly useless business courses: https://learn.saylor.org unfortunately.
But it has several redeeming factors which Ciro Santilli aproves of:
* <exam as a service>-like
* they have a <GitHub>: https://github.com/saylordotorgo
Licensing appears to be a mixed mess between the dreaded <CC BY-NC-SA> and the good <CC BY>, e.g.:
* https://saylordotorg.github.io/text_introduction-to-economic-analysis/s00-license.html is <CC BY-NC-SA>
* but https://web.archive.org/web/2/https://learn.saylor.org/?redirect=0 is <CC BY> on footer
The founder <Michael J. Saylor> looks a bit crooked, <Rich people who create charitable prizes are often crooked> comes to mind. But maybe he's just weird.
{title=Michael Saylor interview by Lex Fridman (2022)}
At the timestamp:
> When I go, all my assets will flow into a foundation, and the foundation's mission is to make education free for everybody forever.
What statement... maybe he's actually not crooked, maybe it was just an accounting mistake... <God>, why.
If only <Ciro Santilli> knew how to contact him and convince him that his current approach is innefective and that Ciro has something better! Michael, please <Google> into this page some day, <Ciro Santilli> needs funding for <OurBigBook.com>. A hopeless Tweet at: https://twitter.com/cirosantilli/status/1548350114623660035[]. Also tried to hit his `saylor@strategy.com`.
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