Source: /cirosantilli/silk-road-marketplace

= Silk Road

= Silk Road

<Ciro Santilli> has become slightly obsessed with this story, and the main mastermind <Ross Ulbricht>.

{title=Ross Ulbricht's open laptop shortly after his arrest at the Francisco Public Library}
{description=He was running some GNOME based distro, could be <Ubuntu> from that photo, and likely is given that Ross once recommended Ubuntu to his flatmate.}

The best article available so far is: ([archive]) which summarizes what one of the investigators said in a 2019 French computer security conference.

The key living posts are:
* ([archive]) which was originally asked under the real name, and then the username was changed to "Frosty", which matches one of the server's logins after the laptop was captured
* altoid early Silk Road mention:;wap2 (;wap2[archive])

The big question is of course how libertarian free market ideologically motivated the website was, and how purely criminal greed it was.

The magnitude of the early <operational security> mistakes does make Ciro think that Ross did it "because he could" and["for the lolz"] in a real world <Breaking Bad> way.

The entry in Ross' diary does <Ciro Santilli's selfish desires>[resonate a lot] with Ciro and any entrepreneur, full diary at: ([archive]).

\[i\]n 2011," \[I believe I will be\] "creating a year of prosperity and power beyond what I have ever experienced before,

Silk Road is going to become a phenomenon and at least one person will tell me about it, unknowing that I was its creator."

Having this kind of feeling, is the greatest thing any human can have, and what motivates all great things.

Capitalizing in <illegal> things though is a cheat, big things take longer than a few years to reach, but reaching them is that much more satisfying as well.

Other interesting quotes:
\Q[I hated working for someone else and trading my time for money with no investment in myself.]
which Ciro also feels, see <don't be a pussy>, and:
\Q[Everyone knows I am working on a bitcoin exchange. I always thought honesty was the best policy and now I didn't know what to do. I should have just told everyone I am a freelance programmer or something, but I had to tell half truths. It felt wrong to lie completely so I tried to tell the truth without revealing the bad part, but now I am in a jam. Everyone knows too much. Dammit.]

Also very worth reading is the San Francisco flat mate account: ([archive]).

The murder for hire allegations are also interesting:[], he paid 80k dollars to undercover DEA agents!

Except for the fact that Ross was an 80 million <Dollar> <drug lord>, those accounts sound exactly like what you would expect from any other nerdy startup founder! The:
* "just do it" strategy effectively going to a minimal viable product (manual transaction management!), while making many mistakes along the way, including hiring mistakes and successes when scaling is needed
* the hardship of self bootstrapping your own social network (here with some kilos of mushrooms)
* the variety of periods, from relatively calm, to hair pulling stress during big changes

It is also amusing to see very concretely the obvious fact that the FBI can get a[subpoena] for all accounts you ever had, e.g. they knew his <laptop> model from <Amazon> and brought a corresponding power cable to the arrest! If you are going to be a cyber criminal, don't use your real name, ever!

Should justice be blind? Maybe. But it does hurt for mere non-blind men to see it sometimes. Especially when <drug liberalization> is involved.

{title=One Mistake Took Down a 29-Yr-Old Dark Web Drug Lord by Newsthink (2022)}
{description=Wow nice video, covers most of the interesting annecdotes and the (alledged) investigation procedure.}