Source: /cirosantilli/solenoid

= Solenoid

<Solenoids> are a type of <electromagnet coil> of #helical shape.

Solenoid means "tubular" in <Greek (language)>.

Solenoids are simpler to build as they don't require <#insulated wire> as in modern <electrical cable> because as the <electromagnetic coils> don't touch one another.

As such it is perhaps the reason why some early electromagnetism experiments were carried out with solenoids, which <#André-Marie Ampère> named in 1823.

But the downside of this is that the <magnetic field> they can generate is less strong.

{title=Illustration of a <solenoid>}

{title=<Magnetic field> lines around a <solenoid> cross-section}
{description=TODO accurate simulation or not?}