Source: /cirosantilli/solexa

= Solexa

Bought by <Illumina>[for 600 million in 2007 for 600 million dollars].

This is one of the prime examples of <Europe>'s decline.

Instead of trying to dominate the sequencing market and gain trillions of dollars from it, they local British early stage investors were more than happy to get a 20x return on their small initial investments, and sold out to the Americans who will then make the real profit.

And now Solexa doesn't even have its own <Wikipedia> page, while Illumina is set out to be the next <Microsoft>. What a disgrace.

Here are some good articles about the company:
* ([archive]).

Cambridge visitors can still visit the[Panton Arms pub], which was the location of the legendary "hey we should talk" founders meeting, chosen due to its proximity to the chemistry department of the <University of Cambridge>.

In 2021 the founders were awarded the <Breakthrough Prize>. The third person awarded was Pascal Mayer. He was apparently at Serono Pharmaceutical Research Institute at the time of development. They do have a wiki page unlike Solexa:[]. They paid a 700 million fine in 2005 in the <United States>, and sold out in 2006 to <Merck> for 10 billion USD.