= Stack Overflow content deletion
= Deletionism on Stack Overflow
Stack overflow allows deleting content/making it visible only to 10k rep users.
<Ciro Santilli> is strictly against this, and this is an intended core policy of <OurBigBook.com>.
If you delete people's content randomly, they will be much less likely to write anything.
Getting downvoted to oblivion is one thing, but data loss? Unacceptable.
Only <illegal> content must ever be deleted. Or extremely obvious <spam>. But anything in a gray area should never be removed.
Deletion can be done by either:
* votes of high reputation users
* moderators
* or worse of all, which happens often on the smaller websites: auto-deletion because come content has not received enough views/votes above some treshold! https://stackoverflow.com/help/auto-deleted-questions[]. The most illogical thing of all is that the question is not even permanently removed from the system, only hidden from other/low reputation users! So it does not save any disk space at all! <Mind blowing>!
* https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31321009/best-more-standard-graph-representation-file-format-graphson-gexf-graphml
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