Source: /cirosantilli/steve-jobs

= Steve Jobs

Co-founder of <Apple>.

Is Jobs <evil>? Is he interesting? Undoubtedly.[] has some good anecdotes about him.

<Ciro Santilli> is especially fond of: <Jobs and Wozniak's blue box>.

Good quotes:
* "Try to have a nice family life, have fun, save a little money." quote at: <don't be a pussy>{full} and the related <Jobs and Wozniak's blue box> attitude
* "Steve Jobs Insult Response" on <backward design>
* Steve Jobs Pixar office design philosophy: great ideas happen from chance meetings on corridors, not in board rooms:
* <Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford Commencement Address>
* <Here's to the crazy ones>: Ciro would like to believe that this is mostly written by Jobs, but apparently it was just written by an advertisement agency. Good job though. 

You must watch this: <video Bill Gates vs Steve Jobs by Epic Rap Battles of History (2012)>.

Evil deeds:
* not recognizing own daughter for many years???
* lying to <Steve Wozniak> about the 5000 dollar Atari bonus:
* not giving stock to early garage employees: OK, not a <legal> obligation. But... love?