Source: /cirosantilli/sun-wukong

= Sun Wukong

= Monkey King

= 孙悟空

= 美猴王

Only after Ciro became an adult did he finally understand that <Sun Wukong> was the basis for <children cartoons Ciro Santilli liked to watch>[Dragon Ball] as mentioned at: <image 19th century illustration of the Journey to the West protagonist Sun Wukong>{full}. And that Sun Wukong was a million times more famous overall. <Mind blown>.

His given name "Wukong" literally means "the one who mastered the void" (Wu = Comprehend, Kong = void), so clearly a <Dharma name>. Edit: it is actually given in the novel, he was born without name. They seem to be Taoist however.

The family name sun1 孙 is the same character as "grandson", but most educated Chinese people seem to be able to recognize it as a reference to "monkey" from some archaic context not anymore in current usage.

{title=19th century illustration of <Sun Wukong>}

{title=20 <Sun Wukong> depiction in Peking opera}