Source: /cirosantilli/term-of-the-university-of-oxford

= Term of the University of Oxford
{tag=Academic term}

= Terms of the University of Oxford

Each term has 8 weeks, and the week number is often used to denote the time at which something happens.

Week 0 is also often used to denote the week before classes officially start. This is especially important in the first term of the year (<Michaelmas term>) where people are coming back to school and meeting old and new friends.

At the end of the year, after <Trinity term>, students have exams. These basically account for all of the grades. In certain courses such as the <Physics course of the University of Oxford>, there is only new material on <Michaelmas term> and <Hilary term>, <Trinity term> being revision-only. So you can imagine that during <Trinity term>, students are going to be on edge.

* some criticism of the term organization on <Cherwell (newspaper)> because the terms are too short which increases student pressure to learn fast