Source: /cirosantilli/the-bibites

= The Bibites
{tag=Unity-based software}
{tag=Closed source software}
{tag=AI training game}

Unknown real developer name, claims to be from <Canada> on YouTube channel about:[], likely because he's a software developer and wants to keep his employer's claws away from his side project.

Appears to be <closed source> unfortunately, so not suitable for research.

<video What will happen after 100h of evolution? by The Bibites (2022)> mentions it was started five years ago, so circa 2017.

Appears to be <Unity>-based, if you download and extract for <Linux> you get files named ``.

Author is named Leo Caussan in game credits at startup:[], a <Canadian> <software engineer>.

Was not very <Linux> compatible: Trying to run 0.5.0 leads to a blank screen after you click "start simulation".

{title=What will happen after 100h of evolution? by <The Bibites> (2022)}