Source: /cirosantilli/the-orthogonal-group-is-the-group-of-all-invertible-matrices-where-the-inverse-is-equal-to-the-transpose

= The orthogonal group is the group of all invertible matrices where the inverse is equal to the transpose

Let's show that this definition is equivalent to <the orthogonal group is the group of all matrices that preserve the dot product>.

Note that:
x^Ty = (Ox)^T (Oy) = x^T O^T O y
and for that to be true for all possible $x$ and $y$ then we must have:
O^T O = I
i.e. the <matrix inverse> is equal to the <transpose>.

Conversely, if:
O^T O = I
is true, then
(Ox)^T (Oy) = x^T (O^T O) y = x^Ty

These matricese are called the <orthogonal matrices>.

TODO is there any more intuitive way to think about this?