Source: /cirosantilli/the-simplest-multicellular-species

= The simplest multicellular species

One of the simplest known seems to be: "The simplest multicellular organism unveiled" from 2013 mentions Tetrabaena socialis.

Then of course: <Caenorhabditis elegans> is a relatively simple and widely studied <model organism>.

{title=Nicole King (UC Berkeley, HHMI) 1: The origin of animal multicellularity by iBiology (2015)}
* <multicellularity is polyphyletic>, e.g. evolved separately on <plants>, <fungi> and <animals>.
* describes how <unicellular organism> choanoflagellates form <colony (biology)>, and how animals are characterized by certain key types of cellular interaction: adhesion, communication, regulation (cell differentiation) and extra cellular matrix production