= YouTube channels that just go over Stack Exchange questions
Some people have been creating YouTube channels that just post and go over a large number of <Stack Exchange> questions, some of them with a quick random intro video. Perfectly legal due to <CC BY-SA> but really weird stuff!
* Roel Van de Paar https://www.youtube.com/@RoelVandePaar[]. This one seems to be the <OG>. As of June 2024 it had 2M videos (!), 161K subscribers and only 47M views. https://youtube.fandom.com/wiki/Roel_Van_de_Paar mentions "he has the highest number of uploads of any YouTube channel". Interestingly at https://www.linkedin.com/in/roelvandepaar/?originalSubdomain=au he says he is a test engineer at <MariaDB>.
* Peter Schneider https://www.youtube.com/@peterschneiderQandA e.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBQhrKRpUdI "How to put a newline special character into a file using the echo command and redirection operator?" from https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/191694/how-to-put-a-newline-special-character-into-a-file-using-the-echo-command-and-re)Stackexchange
* Sophia Wagner https://www.youtube.com/@SophiaWagnerQandA[]. As of June 2024 it had 14k videos and only 88k views, so she made 88 bucks on it.
* E.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elIlkJneVBI "Vertically stack multiple images using ImageMagick" goes over https://superuser.com/questions/290656/vertically-stack-multiple-images-using-imagemagick
* https://www.youtube.com/@LukeChaffeyTechInfo Luke Chaffey, an Indian-American dude, e.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmx6mN_G83s "Do Boost Geometry nearest queries always sort results ordered by smallest distance first?"
* https://www.youtube.com/@pythonoracle The Python Oracle. <Speech synthesis>, with different accents. Cute!
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