Classic theory predicts that the output frequency must be the same as the input one since the electromagnetic wave makes the electron vibrate with same frequency as itself, which then irradiates further waves.
But the output waves are longer because photons are discrete and energy is proportional to frequency:
The formula is exactly that of two relativistic billiard balls colliding.
Therefore this is evidence that photons exist and have momentum.
Compton Scattering by Compton Scattering (2017)
Source. Experiment with a caesium-137 source.L3.3 Compton Scattering by Barton Zwiebach (2017)
Source. Predicts fine structure.
How To Solve The Dirac Equation For The Hydrogen Atom | Relativistic Quantum Mechanics by Dietterich Labs (2018)
Source. MIT 8.06 Quantum Physics III, Spring 2018 by Barton Zwiebach Updated 2025-03-28 +Created 1970-01-01
100 10-20 minute videos properly split by topic, good resource!
Instructor: Barton Zwiebach.
Free material from university courses:
- (archive) "Notes on Quantum Mechanics" pusbliehd by Daniel V. Schroeder (2019) The author is from from Weber State University.