Classification of second order partial differential equations into elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic Updated 2025-02-26 +Created 1970-01-01
One major application of this classification is that different boundary conditions are suitable for different types of partial differential equations as explained at: which boundary conditions lead to existence and uniqueness of a second order PDE.
It would be boring if we could only simulate the same condition all the time, so let's have a look at the different boundary conditions that we can apply to the cell!
We are able to alter things like the composition of the external medium, and the genome of the bacteria, which will make the bacteria behave differently.
The variant selection is a bit cumbersome as we have to use indexes instead of names, but one you know what you are doing, it is fine.
Of course, genetic modification is limited only to experimentally known protein interactions due to the intractability of computational protein folding and computational chemistry in general, solving those would bsai.
Basically a subset of the boundary condition for when one of the parameters is time and we are specifying values for the time 0.
Multiple boundary conditions for different parts of the boundary.
Most commonly, boundary conditions such as the Dirichlet boundary condition are taken to be fixed values in time.
But it also makes sense to think about cases where those values vary in time.