Chrome Android extension Updated +Created
Lol it is note possible what a joke. Notably this makes it harder to have of a superior third party password manager like Proton Pass (though there seems to be an autocomplete app as an alternative path), and an ad blocker. Fuck Google.
Also, Chromium is not available on Google Play by default, you can install the apk, but you will miss updates:
Chromium sometimes freezes due to autofill on omnibox Updated +Created
This has happened a few times a day on Ubuntu 24.10 and Chromium 133. It has also been happening in previous versions of Ubuntu and Chromium.
As Ciro Santilli starts typing on the omnibox, sometimes the window freezes and the dreaded "is not responding" window shows up.
Ordinal ASCII art inscription Updated +Created
This is a quick overiew of ASCII art ordinal inscriptions.
It was obtained by casually scrolling down the list of the largest text ordinal inscription on less until patience ran out.
Some of them are dedicated ASCII art inscriptions, others are just small highlights to other more important text like code.
Although tere is some element of commercialism in some those inscriptions, a bit like what is rampant in the images, some of them are honestly just cool and possibly novel.
Ordinal ruleset inscription collections:
  • Humongous surfers. These are very large ASCII arts, by far the largest on the chain. Being so large allows for shades of gray to be encoded on the average luminosith of individual letters:
  • Michael Jackson Unicode art. Uses Unicode Braille characters. Marked "First Onchain Collection" and "Legends @ BTC" . Pretty cool design, the textures are quite cool and suggest glittering flying seat. Though if those ever sell, someone is going to get sued to Hell by MJ's estate!
    • 1/12 tx 7e6c5f8ebb41604c79f2af60bb7af623c42b32afe4d7571ba81d7b9b44d33a2d
    • 2/12 tx 8ac99472b865d01f8724ba23b6f79ca56d30b44fae0eb509984237b722b812c3
    • 5/12 tx 74c94ceba91cf59de2740bcfa5bc2fdb3ea0d4499e73a12100ed365d25ae9061
    • 7/12 tx 0360a10e67365ab8cc4e32f199c71cabf4fb6a08ca9773dd1d13d7f7936dcf99
    • 8/12 tx 4814880f931db8aa59e1c2aba2c227e83d928d297cbe91978458b6d83e38ddfc
    • 9/12 tx 909228c88176b65f5705ade5fa059030d4c646cacd171737af03ac965047fa82
           Michael Jackson * First Onchain Collection 9/12 * Legends @ BTC⠀⠀⠀⠀
    • 10/12 tx 74f2b9b61d2d79bf0f3ba1f13088fb1c56cf308202afd508b6b88fe4e8b99c74
  • Pepe the Frog themed collections:
ANSI art. These can only be viewed on a terminal:
ASCII porn:
  • tx 9089c4fac49593628e1334bbfe94080819bdac67eac18c9ffece5a2bc235a380: wizard taking a shower
  • tx fdf9b82e3177c5404f8251ad26460788fc8b29cc4cbd4951ea5e8438dcce9631: and tx 2031b40ccb3944822be709c9a41f38e10ddf13c577b3f2c4d2046ac73020f6f9 middle finger Unicode art. Both marked "THE MIDDLE 1/15".
  • tx ed3bd1a0cd8a18743acfd7162649a43b69f25a540fbfe6a2352a612ebfb381e6: JavaScript that generates a demoscene ASCII art animation that looks like a rotating thing
  • tx 78240e4691c7f75311a03125567f1e44fc0049db611f0ac554f04f8790e28e24: cute cartoon dog giving wearing a headband and giving thumbs up. The Chinese subtitle reads:
    which Google Translate translates as:
    A coward who buys seals
    TODO context. Sample hit at:
  • tx 3a474f540c1917817fba51d2f9fd647887c8c3cd9687eb8d34ab6787c9e8a7fa: ASCII art of mysterious man typing on his laptop. Satoshi comes to mind. The man's hat contains the following Korean characters;
    which Google Translate translates as:
    Let's go together truly
  • tx 18b7728f32ff27d410e57e289bca7b8c2bdf7c30a1c572a41acc1a8ff576b6ab: "I Want you BTC Maxis, Ordinal Army Enlist Now"
  • tx 2fc46b52e3ab7a1053c4c65a4dc3af6bb7e51eb15cb988294af3a203ad254eed: contains an ASCII art of an Iron Man-like mask with text:
    Did you know that within ASCII art an encrypted msg can be inside? All you need to do is decode it. Hence a pictureworthsthousandwords.
    But hopefully/presumably the author meant Steganography and not encryption right? Code "Your free GrrCon ticket" comes to mind.
  • tx 6d1d99ed05a152d59fdef4eb26a4a07a4f81dcd945249639af272504b4e70d27: Bitcoin whitepaper as Markdown, but with some great Unicode art rendition of the diagrams!
          ┌─────────────────────┐               ┌─────────────────────┐              ┌─────────────────────┐
          │                     │               │                     │              │                     │
          │    Transaction      │               │    Transaction      │              │    Transaction      │
          │                     │               │                     │              │                     │
          │   ┌─────────────┐   │               │   ┌─────────────┐   │              │   ┌─────────────┐   │
          │   │ Owner 1's   │   │               │   │ Owner 2's   │   │              │   │ Owner 3's   │   │
          │   │ Public Key  │   │               │   │ Public Key  │   │              │   │ Public Key  │   │
          │   └───────┬─────┘   │               │   └───────┬─────┘   │              │   └───────┬─────┘   │
          │           │    .    │               │           │    .    │              │           │         │
    ──────┼─────────┐ │    .    ├───────────────┼─────────┐ │    .    ├──────────────┼─────────┐ │         │
          │         │ │    .    │               │         │ │    .    │              │         │ │         │
          │      ┌──▼─▼──┐ .    │               │      ┌──▼─▼──┐ .    │              │      ┌──▼─▼──┐      │
          │      │ Hash  │ .    │               │      │ Hash  │ .    │              │      │ Hash  │      │
          │      └───┬───┘ .    │    Verify     │      └───┬───┘ .    │    Verify    │      └───┬───┘      │
          │          │     ............................    │     ...........................    │          │
          │          │          │               │     │    │          │              │     │    │          │
          │   ┌──────▼──────┐   │               │   ┌─▼────▼──────┐   │              │   ┌─▼────▼──────┐   │
          │   │ Owner 0's   │   │      Sign     │   │ Owner 1's   │   │      Sign    │   │ Owner 2's   │   │
          │   │ Signature   │   │      ...........─►│ Signature   │   │     ...........─►│ Signature   │   │
          │   └─────────────┘   │      .        │   └─────────────┘   │     .        │   └─────────────┘   │
          │                     │      .        │                     │     .        │                     │
          └─────────────────────┘      .        └─────────────────────┘     .        └─────────────────────┘
                                       .                                    .
              ┌─────────────┐          .            ┌─────────────┐         .            ┌─────────────┐
              │ Owner 1's   │...........            │ Owner 2's   │..........            │ Owner 3's   │
              │ Private Key │                       │ Private Key │                      │ Private Key │
              └─────────────┘                       └─────────────┘                      └─────────────┘
  • tx e643b2a25b6df9c1d5b0fad7168677a71b96544707efab16f0cf0266981cbe53: "Dear Luke Dashjr, here’s why I want to join the @TaprootWizards"
  • tx 6987171da8a07b365686f3ec25ccc08f731943eecbbebed0c9b0df63b58d69fe: classical painting of a nude female model marked "By Johnny Dollar J$"
  • tx 8ae6534ba41e305fedf068696111d5445e90c48cbd18081503e831399f1a11fb: HTML of monkey face with bow tie and pink cheeks. Cute! The HTML code is also arranged in a monkey like pattern.
  • tx d6c60f0efc9f3155712775c2a0f4e1d805f000fc50763c440cb575f252de371d: also seen at: HTML with the busts of a few people who strongly criticized Bitcoin: Warren Buffet, "Paul Krugman", "Christine Lagarde" and "Peter Schiff":
    A collection of 17 text inscriptions blessed by the most diligent bitcoin evangelists
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        ............................/%@@@#*..,..     .   , ((((##%%&&&,....................... .   .............,..........
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    .........................,/#%&@%.#*/*..,#%...(*,%@@@@@&&#.,................. . ............... ........................
    Figure 5. . Source. Off-chain reference image for the ASCII art.
Small art as part of an ad for something like a collection or service:
Exception to the Madelung energy ordering rule Updated +Created
The most notable exception is the borrowing of 3d-orbital electrons to 4s as in chromium, leading to a 3d5 4s1 configuration instead of the 3d4 4s2 we would have with the rule. TODO how is that observed observed experimentally?
Google Passwords Updated +Created
When they disabled this from Chromium, it was one of the things that prompted Ciro Santilli to switch to Proton Pass.
The Three Treasures of the Programmer Updated +Created
Ciro Santilli's joke version of the Chinese Four Treasures of the Study!
  • web browser
  • Text editor
  • terminal. Though to be honest, circa 2022, Ciro learned of the ctrl + click to open file (including with file.c:123 line syntax) ability of Visual Studio Code (likely present in other IDEs), and he was starting considering dumping the terminal altogether if some implementation gets it really really right. The main thing is that it can't be a tinny little bar at the bottom, it has to be full window and super easily toggleable!
In the past, Ciro used to use file managers, which would be the fourth tresure. But he stopped doing so for years due to his cd alias... so it became three. He actually had exactly three windows open when he was checking if there was anything else he could not open hand of.
Figure 1.
The three Treasures of the Programmer
. Featuring: Gvim, tmux running in GNOME terminal, and Chromium browser on Ubuntu 22.04. The minimized windows are for demonstration purposes, Cirism mandates that all windows shall be maximized at all times. Splits withing a single program are permitted however.