Quantum matter physics course of the University of Oxford Updated 2025-03-25 +Created 1970-01-01
2011- professor: Steven H. Simon. His start date is given e.g. at: www-thphys.physics.ox.ac.uk/people/SteveSimon/condmat2012/LectureNotes2012.pdf which is presumably an older version of: www-thphys.physics.ox.ac.uk/people/SteveSimon/QCM2022/QuantumMatter.pdf
Notes/book: www-thphys.physics.ox.ac.uk/people/SteveSimon/QCM2022/QuantumMatter.pdf Marked as being for Oxford MMathPhys, so it appears that this is a 4th year course normally. TODO but where is it listed under the course list of MMapthPhys? mmathphys.physics.ox.ac.uk/course-schedule
Course page index: www-thphys.physics.ox.ac.uk/people/SteveSimon/
www-thphys.physics.ox.ac.uk/people/SteveSimon/QCM2023/quantummatter.html mentions it is given in Hilary term
2023 syllabus as per www-thphys.physics.ox.ac.uk/people/SteveSimon/QCM2023/quantummatter.html#Syllabus:
- Fermi Liquids
- Weakly Interacting Fermions
- Perturbation Theory
- Hartree-Fock method
- Effective Mass
- Response Functions and Screening
- Thomas Fermi
- Plasmons
- Landau Fermi Liquid Theory
- Weakly Interacting Fermions
- Superfluidity
- Two Fluid Model and Quantized Circulation
- Landau Criterion for Superfluidity
- Two Fluid Model for Superconductors
- London Theory
- Flux Vortices
- Type I and Type II superconductors
- Microscopic Superfluidity
- Coherent States
- Bose Condensation
- Gross Pitaevskii Equation
- Off Diagonal Long Range Order
- Feynman Theory of Superfluidity (in book, but will skip in lectures. Not examinable)
- Ginzburg Landau Theory of Superfluids
- Neutral Superfluids
- Charged Superfluids
- Anderson - Higgs Mechanism
- Rederviation of London Equations
- Ginzburg - Landau Parameter and Type I/II revisited
- Vortex Structure
- BCS Theory of Superconductors
- Phonons
- The Cooper Problem
- BCS wavefunction
- Bogoliubov Excitation Spectrum
- Majorana Physics
No closed form solution, but good approximation that can be calculated by hand with the Hartree-Fock method, see hartree-Fock method for the helium atom.
Quantum Chemistry 9.2 - Helium Atom Energy Approximations by TMP Chem (2016)
Source. Video gives the actual numerical value of various methods, second order perturbation theory being very close. But it the says that in the following videos will only do Hartree-Fock method.