Bitcoin IRC channel Updated +Created
A lot of important development discussion happened in those channels:
At "Is there a log for the bitcoin IRC channel?" Luke Dashjr comments:
No, it is meant to be private without logging allowed.
User "midmagic" (TODO identify) then comments:
The #bitcoin channel on Freenode is "officially unlogged." That means we officially don't publish the logs anywhere, and if we find that logs are published somewhere, we ask that they be taken down
Some IRC logs were dumped into the Bitcoin blockchain at: IRC log dumps where they cannot be deleted.
Ordinal ASCII art inscription Updated +Created
This is a quick overiew of ASCII art ordinal inscriptions.
It was obtained by casually scrolling down the list of the largest text ordinal inscription on less until patience ran out.
Some of them are dedicated ASCII art inscriptions, others are just small highlights to other more important text like code.
Although tere is some element of commercialism in some those inscriptions, a bit like what is rampant in the images, some of them are honestly just cool and possibly novel.
Ordinal ruleset inscription collections:
  • Humongous surfers. These are very large ASCII arts, by far the largest on the chain. Being so large allows for shades of gray to be encoded on the average luminosith of individual letters:
  • Michael Jackson Unicode art. Uses Unicode Braille characters. Marked "First Onchain Collection" and "Legends @ BTC" . Pretty cool design, the textures are quite cool and suggest glittering flying seat. Though if those ever sell, someone is going to get sued to Hell by MJ's estate!
    • 1/12 tx 7e6c5f8ebb41604c79f2af60bb7af623c42b32afe4d7571ba81d7b9b44d33a2d
    • 2/12 tx 8ac99472b865d01f8724ba23b6f79ca56d30b44fae0eb509984237b722b812c3
    • 5/12 tx 74c94ceba91cf59de2740bcfa5bc2fdb3ea0d4499e73a12100ed365d25ae9061
    • 7/12 tx 0360a10e67365ab8cc4e32f199c71cabf4fb6a08ca9773dd1d13d7f7936dcf99
    • 8/12 tx 4814880f931db8aa59e1c2aba2c227e83d928d297cbe91978458b6d83e38ddfc
    • 9/12 tx 909228c88176b65f5705ade5fa059030d4c646cacd171737af03ac965047fa82
           Michael Jackson * First Onchain Collection 9/12 * Legends @ BTC⠀⠀⠀⠀
    • 10/12 tx 74f2b9b61d2d79bf0f3ba1f13088fb1c56cf308202afd508b6b88fe4e8b99c74
  • Pepe the Frog themed collections:
ANSI art. These can only be viewed on a terminal:
ASCII porn:
  • tx 9089c4fac49593628e1334bbfe94080819bdac67eac18c9ffece5a2bc235a380: wizard taking a shower
  • tx fdf9b82e3177c5404f8251ad26460788fc8b29cc4cbd4951ea5e8438dcce9631: and tx 2031b40ccb3944822be709c9a41f38e10ddf13c577b3f2c4d2046ac73020f6f9 middle finger Unicode art. Both marked "THE MIDDLE 1/15".
  • tx ed3bd1a0cd8a18743acfd7162649a43b69f25a540fbfe6a2352a612ebfb381e6: JavaScript that generates a demoscene ASCII art animation that looks like a rotating thing
  • tx 78240e4691c7f75311a03125567f1e44fc0049db611f0ac554f04f8790e28e24: cute cartoon dog giving wearing a headband and giving thumbs up. The Chinese subtitle reads:
    which Google Translate translates as:
    A coward who buys seals
    TODO context. Sample hit at:
  • tx 3a474f540c1917817fba51d2f9fd647887c8c3cd9687eb8d34ab6787c9e8a7fa: ASCII art of mysterious man typing on his laptop. Satoshi comes to mind. The man's hat contains the following Korean characters;
    which Google Translate translates as:
    Let’s go together truly
  • tx 18b7728f32ff27d410e57e289bca7b8c2bdf7c30a1c572a41acc1a8ff576b6ab: "I Want you BTC Maxis, Ordinal Army Enlist Now"
  • tx 2fc46b52e3ab7a1053c4c65a4dc3af6bb7e51eb15cb988294af3a203ad254eed: contains an ASCII art of an Iron Man-like mask with text:
    Did you know that within ASCII art an encrypted msg can be inside? All you need to do is decode it. Hence a pictureworthsthousandwords.
    But hopefully/presumably the author meant Steganography and not encryption right? Code "Your free GrrCon ticket" comes to mind.
  • tx 6d1d99ed05a152d59fdef4eb26a4a07a4f81dcd945249639af272504b4e70d27: Bitcoin whitepaper as Markdown, but with some great Unicode art rendition of the diagrams!
          ┌─────────────────────┐               ┌─────────────────────┐              ┌─────────────────────┐
          │                     │               │                     │              │                     │
          │    Transaction      │               │    Transaction      │              │    Transaction      │
          │                     │               │                     │              │                     │
          │   ┌─────────────┐   │               │   ┌─────────────┐   │              │   ┌─────────────┐   │
          │   │ Owner 1's   │   │               │   │ Owner 2's   │   │              │   │ Owner 3's   │   │
          │   │ Public Key  │   │               │   │ Public Key  │   │              │   │ Public Key  │   │
          │   └───────┬─────┘   │               │   └───────┬─────┘   │              │   └───────┬─────┘   │
          │           │    .    │               │           │    .    │              │           │         │
    ──────┼─────────┐ │    .    ├───────────────┼─────────┐ │    .    ├──────────────┼─────────┐ │         │
          │         │ │    .    │               │         │ │    .    │              │         │ │         │
          │      ┌──▼─▼──┐ .    │               │      ┌──▼─▼──┐ .    │              │      ┌──▼─▼──┐      │
          │      │ Hash  │ .    │               │      │ Hash  │ .    │              │      │ Hash  │      │
          │      └───┬───┘ .    │    Verify     │      └───┬───┘ .    │    Verify    │      └───┬───┘      │
          │          │     ............................    │     ...........................    │          │
          │          │          │               │     │    │          │              │     │    │          │
          │   ┌──────▼──────┐   │               │   ┌─▼────▼──────┐   │              │   ┌─▼────▼──────┐   │
          │   │ Owner 0's   │   │      Sign     │   │ Owner 1's   │   │      Sign    │   │ Owner 2's   │   │
          │   │ Signature   │   │      ...........─►│ Signature   │   │     ...........─►│ Signature   │   │
          │   └─────────────┘   │      .        │   └─────────────┘   │     .        │   └─────────────┘   │
          │                     │      .        │                     │     .        │                     │
          └─────────────────────┘      .        └─────────────────────┘     .        └─────────────────────┘
                                       .                                    .
              ┌─────────────┐          .            ┌─────────────┐         .            ┌─────────────┐
              │ Owner 1's   │...........            │ Owner 2's   │..........            │ Owner 3's   │
              │ Private Key │                       │ Private Key │                      │ Private Key │
              └─────────────┘                       └─────────────┘                      └─────────────┘
  • tx e643b2a25b6df9c1d5b0fad7168677a71b96544707efab16f0cf0266981cbe53: "Dear Luke Dashjr, here’s why I want to join the @TaprootWizards"
  • tx 6987171da8a07b365686f3ec25ccc08f731943eecbbebed0c9b0df63b58d69fe: classical painting of a nude female model marked "By Johnny Dollar J$"
  • tx 8ae6534ba41e305fedf068696111d5445e90c48cbd18081503e831399f1a11fb: HTML of monkey face with bow tie and pink cheeks. Cute! The HTML code is also arranged in a monkey like pattern.
  • tx d6c60f0efc9f3155712775c2a0f4e1d805f000fc50763c440cb575f252de371d: also seen at: HTML with the busts of a few people who strongly criticized Bitcoin: Warren Buffet, "Paul Krugman", "Christine Lagarde" and "Peter Schiff":
    A collection of 17 text inscriptions blessed by the most diligent bitcoin evangelists
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    Figure 5. . Source. Off-chain reference image for the ASCII art.
Small art as part of an ad for something like a collection or service:
Prayer wars Updated +Created
These are some of the earliest inscriptions in the blockchain, and therefore extremelly visible.
Although the prayer verses appear contiguous in ASCII dumps, Eligius was not actually mining every block: it is just that in those early days, miners still hadn't started adding advertisement messages to every block, so only Eligius shows up and appears contiguous.
At some point, opponents noticed these messages, and started adding atheist mockery graffiti replies, which appear interspersed in ASCII dumps with the prayer.
The first prayer is the Latin version of the Divine Praises, a Catholic prayer composed in 1797 in Italian by Luigi Felici for the purpose of making reparation after saying or hearing sacrilege or blasphemy. Luke claims he was referring to anything in particular that came prior in the blockchain: There arent many earlier inscriptions at all to refer to in any case! The prayer and correspondong interrupts (in transaction outputs, not by other miners) ordered by block are:
  • 139690 (2011-08-05) prayer: "Eligius/Benedictus Deus. Benedictum Nomen Sanctum eius."
  • 139717 prayer: "Eligius/Benedictus Deus. Benedictum Nomen Sanctum eius.'
  • 139758 interruption: ***************************************************. This is not a Coinbase message: This Bitcoin input script appears to spend a standard P2PKH output, but it first adds an extra value to the stack which contains the ***.
  • 139792 prayer: "Benedictus Iesus Christus, verus Deus et verus homo.'
  • 139831 prayer: "Benedictum Nomen Iesu.'
  • 139838 (2011-08-06) interruption: "I LIKE TURTLES" (tx 78eb16507b3d3df615e3b474e853db4667f4b11954ec6d918b1ded0fca7ad25a)
  • 138898 prayer: "Benedictum Cor eius sacratissimum."
  • 139904 prayer: "Benedictus Sanguis eius pretiosissimus."
  • 139921 prayer: "Benedictus Iesus in sanctissimo altaris Sacramento."
  • 139942 prayer: "Benedictus Sanctus Spiritus, Paraclitus."
  • 139954 interrupion: "aC-C-C-COMBO BREAKER" (tx 138c024a76df99ecafd2236d5429cf574b7778a3c6508bd83f116c832f3c6980)
  • 139960 prayer: "Benedictus Sanctus Spiritus, Paraclitus."
  • 139977 prayer: "Benedicta excelsa Mater Dei, Maria sanctissima."
  • 139990 (2011-08-06) prayer: "Benedicta sancta eius et immaculata Conceptio."
Then comes:
and various others + output message interruptions.
Then at last come the first miner message interruptions. Luke explained on Twitter[ref] that they were also made by Eligius pool, as there was a system in which contributors besides Luke could submit their own strings:
  • 142547: (2011-08-25) tx 8e1e44a48b5e79636675d1476f8e4add075bbeb7f49e00ec743eed56f17feaaa A yandere game is starting in 60 seconds! Please type "]yandere" to join. Yandere Simulator comes to mind, but it can't be because that was pitched 2014.
  • 142550: "A yandere game is starting in 60 seconds! Please type "]yandere" to join."
  • 142573: (2011-08-25) "Militant atheists, -- happy now?". A Rickrolling link. Perhaps one of the fist.
  • 142596: (2011-08-25) "<cjdelisle> ran out of prayers?! That explains the price drop.". Possibly quoting this dude on som Bitcoin IRC channel givesn the <USERNAME> format?
  • 142640: "an de ti go su by ra me ni ko hu vy la po fy ton": Tonal system numerals. Interesting.
followed by more prayers and interruptions such as tx ec92d245822fa1ff862f3314b9102f36fe1eb8bc055865674c75323540aedef6:
FFS Luke-Jr leave the blockchain alone!
Oh, and God isn't real
The last Luke prayer appears to be on block 143822 (2011-09-03)
... the Lord of the harvest, that he send forth labourers into his harvest.
Then there is a bit of radio silence, until finally Slush Pool started self advertising for the first time on block 163970 (2012-01-26):
They had been mining for a long time by then (December 2010 according to, but this is when they decided to add a human readable ASCII message as well.
From then on, miner messages would be forever polluted with ads, and Luke's multi-miner message feat would never again be reproduced.
The non-obvious interruptions are all well known memes/anime references:
  • 2011-08-19 "Eligius miners aware of prayers in block headers?" from on by user "Graet" who quotes prior discussion from a Bitcoin IRC channel:
    <luke-jr> cosurgi: by design, it contains "random" data-- I've just been setting some of that "random" data to prayers
    <Graet> mm interesting luke-jr i understand you are strong in your faith but you dont think putting prayers in might alienate some ppl - after all btc is multidenominational
    <luke-jr> Graet: Catholics do not believe in freedom of religion.
    <Graet> and you make your non catholic miners aware of this?
  • 2011-11-2 "Mysterious transaction spotted in blockchain!"
Divine Praises Updated +Created
The prayer recited by Luke Dashjr in the Prayer wars of the Bitcoin blockchain in 2011.
Eligius pool Updated +Created
Created by Luke Dashjr.
The pool is named after Saint Eligius, patron of miners[ref]
Eligius also means to "choose" or "chosen" in Latin:, same root as "to elect" in modern English presumably.