P for quantum computing!
Heck, we know nothing about this class yet related to non quantum classes!
- conjectured not to intersect with NP-complete, because if it were, all NP-complete problems could be solved efficiently on quantum computers, and none has been found so far as of 2020.
- conjectured to be larger than P, but we don't have a single algorithm provenly there:
- it is believed that the NP complete ones can't be solved
- if they were neither NP-complete nor P, it would imply P != NP
- we just don't know if it is even contained inside NP!
This is the classic result of formal language theory, but there is too much slack between context free and context sensitive, which is PSPACE (larger than NP!).
By Noam Chomsky.
A good summary table that opens up each category much more can be seen e.g. at the bottom of en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automata_theory under the summary thingy at the bottom entitled "Automata theory: formal languages and formal grammars".