Ciro is looking for:
- university teachers who might be interested in trying it out as described at Section "Action plan", especially those who already use open licenses for their lecture notes
- funding possibilities for this project, including donations as mentioned at Section "Sponsor Ciro Santilli's work on" and contracts
The initial incentive for the creators is to make them famous and allow them to get more fulfilling jobs more easily, although Ciro also wants to add money transfer mechanisms to it later on.
We can't rely on teachers writing materials, because they simply don't have enough incentive: publication count is all that matters to their careers. The students however, are desperate to prove themselves to the world, and becoming famous for amazing educational content is something that some of them might want to spend their times on, besides grinding for useless grade.
It would be really cool to have a PageRank-link algorithm that answers the key questions:However, Ciro has decided to leave this for phase two action plan, because it is impossible to tune such an algorithm if you have no users or test data.
- what is the best content for subject X.For example, if you are reading
and it is crap, you would be able to click the buttonwhich leads you to the URL: This URL then contains a list of all pages people have written about the subjectVersions by other authors
, sorted by some algorithm, containing for example:This URL would also contain a list of issues/comments that are related to the subject. - who knows the most about subject X. This can be found by visiting: "Top Mathematics users", which would contain the list of users sorted by the algorithm:
Perhaps it is also worth looking into ExpertRank, they appear to do some kind of "expert in this area", but with clustering (unlike us, where the clustering would be more explicit).
Other dump of things worth looking into: