Zettlr Updated +Created
Interesting "gradual" WYSIWYG. You get inline previews for for things like images, maths and links. And if you click to edit the thing, the preview mostly goes away and becomes the corresponding source code instead.
Zim Updated +Created
Local only.
  • bold
  • images
  • lists. But it is either hard or impossible to have a paragraph inside a list item.
Mathematics requires a plugin and a full LaTeX install: zim-wiki.org/manual/Plugins/Equation_Editor.html They have a bunch of plugins: zim-wiki.org/manual/Plugins.html
Can only link to toplevel of each source, not subheaders? And subpages get forced scope. github.com/zim-desktop-wiki/zim-desktop-wiki
Publishing to static HTML can be done with:
zim --export Notes -o out
The output does not contain any table of contents? There is a plugin however: zim-wiki.org/manual/Plugins/Table_Of_Contents.html
It is unclear if their markup is compatible with an existing language of if it was made up from scratch. Wikipedia says:
In Zim, text is written and saved in a lightweight mark-up that is a hybrid of DokuWiki and Markdown.
You can't determine the ordering or pages at the same level, alphabetical ordering of force. The poplevel is encoded in notebook.zim:
Feature request: github.com/zim-desktop-wiki/zim-desktop-wiki/issues/32. It's not usable as a publishing system!