
And when it can't, attempt to classify which subset of the integers can be reached. E.g. Legendre's three-square theorem.
4 squares are sufficient by Lagrange's four-square theorem.
The subsets reachable with 2 and 3 squares are fully characterized by Legendre's three-square theorem and
Compared to Waring's problem, this is potentially much harder, as we can go infinitely negative in our attempts, there isn't a bound on how many tries we can have for each number.
In other words, it is unlikely to have a Conjecture reduction to a halting problem.
Video 1.
3 as the sum of the 3 cubes by Numberphile (2019)
It is exactly what you'd expect from the name, Waring was watching Netflix with Goldbach, when they suddenly came up with this.

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