It hasn't achieved anything beyond the Schengen zone.
- having more than one natural language is bad for the world
- Video "The Euro Has Never Been More Problematic by Yanis Varoufakis (2018)" mentions a quote attributed to Gandhi, although Quote Investigator does not think that the attribution evidence is strong:to which Ghandi answers:
What do you think of Western civilization?
I think it would be a good idea.
Europe has made good regulations to limit the absolute power of immoral companies. Partly because it does not have any companies anymore, but so be it.
But the law that forces every fucking website to show a message "Do you consent to cookies?" is not one of them.
Ciro cannot stand fucking clicking the "I consent" button anymore.
Please stop, for the love of God.
At most, there must be a standardized API that allows your browser to say "I agree or I disagree" automatically to all of them, e.g. an HTTP header.
2021: United Kingdom is considering it post-Brexit: Something good might actually come out of Brexit!
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