800+ page PDF with source on GitHub claiming to try and teach the beauty of modern maths for high schoolers. Fantastic project!!!
Author of Infinite Napkin.
He's also a mathematical olympiad coach.
Video 1.
Walkthrough of some recent Oly problems by vEnhance
. Source. He's trans. Cute.
Very unfortunate license "public domain license" with a "non religious" clause, whatever the fuck that is, which completely defeats the point of a public domain declaration:
The source code and text is under Public License and therefore can be used, translated and distributed at free will.
It is only banned to use the text and content for religious propaganda.
The book is very dry, extremelly boring unfortunately. Definition and theorem only for the most part.
When you see some tagged examples, you will immediately know what this means.


Amazing graphs and formulas.
Python graphics engine open sourced at: github.com/3b1b/manim "Animation engine for explanatory math videos". But for some reason there is a community fork: github.com/ManimCommunity/manim/ "This repository is maintained by the Manim Community, and is not associated with Grant Sanderson or 3Blue1Brown in any way (though we are definitely indebted to him for providing his work to the world). If you want to study how Grant makes his videos, head over to his repository (3b1b/manim). This is a more frequently updated repository than that one, and is recommended if you want to use Manim for your own projects." what a mess.
He got so old from 2012 to 2021 :-)
This dude did well. If only he had written a hyperlinked wiki rather than making videos! It would allow people to jump in at any point and just click back. It would be Godlike.
mathdoctorbob.org/About.html says:
Robert Donley received his doctorate in Mathematics from Stony Brook University and has over two decades of teaching experience at the high school, undergraduate, and graduate levels.

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