The school that believes only in the Pali Canon, i.e. the best school.
Anything that is not in the Pali Canon has basically zero chance of having come from Buddha or his immediate followers.
He who stores up whatever he gets and he who gives away whatever he gets - these two persons are hard to satisfy.
Mahayana adds a bunch of stuff on top of the Pali Canon. Most of it appears to be random mysticism. Maybe there is something good in it... maybe.
Perhaps the appeal of Zen is that it stepped away from Mahayana's "God and entities", and went a bit back towards the Buddhist psychology-like/self improvement grassroots?
The type of feeling of confusion and distrut for your sense that some Koans attempt to instill.
Ciro Santilli's preferred version of it is physics and the illusion of life.
Some notable references:
This is perhaps the most popular version of Great doubt in 21st century China
Fuller quote as seen e.g. at:
Great doubt, great underestanding. Small doubt, small understanding. No doubt, no attributes it to modern day Chinese "Master Chongci" (崇慈法师).

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