Source: /cirosantilli/ciro-santilli-s-film-tastes

= Ciro Santilli's film tastes

<Ciro Santilli> has already watched all <the best films of all time>[the best films in history], and as a result any of those new movies that is full of clichés and has no innovative aspect at all (99.99999% of all modern movies) makes Ciro want to puke and to start <Googling> <TV Tropes> to classify as many clichés as possible.

Good movies are those that teach you mechanisms of the real world.[Willing suspension of disbelief] must be maintained at all costs.

Or of what could happen a world where a single sci-fi element is added and explored to its limits.

Love is not an interesting aspect of the world. You solve your love life <ourbigbook com/motivation>[at university], Tinder or Tango.

The actually interesting aspects of the world are:
* <business film>
* war
* <crime film>[crime]
* government
* science

Movies with a lot of action scenes, with exception of some war movies, are <shit>.

The <Sliding Scale of Idealism vs. Cynicism> must be close to Cynicism max at all times. Movies with pure good and pure bad are <shit>.

Knowing spoilers has no effect in the film's enjoyment. The interest of storyline concepts is all that matters, visuals and acting are useless.

In a multi-language film, when two foreign characters speak English to each other when they obviously would have spoken their native language, that is a crime. Original language + subtitles is a must!