Ciro Santilli has already watched all the best films in history, and as a result any of those new movies that is full of clichés and has no innovative aspect at all (99.99999% of all modern movies) makes Ciro want to puke and to start Googling TV Tropes to classify as many clichés as possible.
Good movies are those that teach you mechanisms of the real world. Willing suspension of disbelief must be maintained at all costs.
Or of what could happen a world where a single sci-fi element is added and explored to its limits.
Love is not an interesting aspect of the world. You solve your love life at university, Tinder or Tango.
The actually interesting aspects of the world are:
- business film
- war
- crime
- government
- science
Movies with a lot of action scenes, with exception of some war movies, are shit.
The Sliding scale of idealism vs. cynicism must be close to Cynicism max at all times. Movies with pure good and pure bad are shit.
Knowing spoilers has no effect in the film's enjoyment. The interest of storyline concepts is all that matters, visuals and acting are useless.
In a multi-language film, when two foreign characters speak English to each other when they obviously would have spoken their native language, that is a crime. Original language + subtitles is a must!
Movies that are very expensive to make tend to be bad, because they have to make returns and thus appeal to a large amorphous population without any specialization, i.e. the lowest common denominator but in TV Tropes terminology rather than mathematics:
Looking down the largest flops of all time list didn't help much, only Heaven's gate appears reasonable from the top 20.
- There will be blood (2007). Business and cynicism. Also great music.
- Don't Look Up (2021). Politics.
One of the most nerve wrecking movies ever made. Until they decide to rescue their colleague from jail, then it just becomes too surreal.
Good theory of Jesus.
List of similar feeling films: 11 Underrated Hard Sci-fi Movies by Marvelous Videos (2021)
There is only a very fine difference between a very good film, and the best films of all time. Perhaps it is something to do on how epic the subject matter is? It is often very hard to tell, and switches between the categories are also possible.
Has the best opening scene of all time.
Top quotes:
- 3 evil guys: looks like we're short one horse. The good guy, shaking his head: you brought two too many.
- "So, you found out you're not a businessman after all." dialogue, see:
There's nothing like seeing the hypocrisy of the "Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité" people destroyed.
Interesting how Algeria now supports China's Xinjiang policy in 2019. But of course, dictatorships tend to work together
Ciro Santilli's father, an avid history reader, and in particular interested in the military dictatorship in Brazil through which he lived, once told Ciro how the French torture doctrine was directly adopted by Brazillian military, e.g. then even invited general Paul Aussaresses who had served in Algeria, to help them out with intelligence operations and give courses. Bro, fuck that.
But of course, the Americans weren't too far behind in Guantanamo.
Respect, big respect to those people.
The Cult of the Criterion Collection by The Royal Ocean Film Society (2020)
Source. One American culture thing this clarified to Ciro Santilli is that they are known for is being part of the 50% off sale at Barnes & Noble.The Entire Criterion Collection Supercut by Reckoned Opinions
. Source. Featured at: Holy crap, how!Many bad films have good aspects. They just didn't cross the elusive threshold of a good film.
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