Source: /cirosantilli/group-of-lie-type

= Group of Lie type

= Groups of Lie type

In the <classification of finite simple groups>, groups of Lie type are a set of infinite families of simple lie groups. These are the other infinite families besides te <cyclic groups> and <alternating groups>.

A decent list at:[],[] is just too unclear. The groups of Lie type can be subdivided into:
* <Chevalley groups>{child}
* TODO the rest

The first in this family discovered were a subset of the <Chevalley groups A_n(q)> by <Galois>: <PSL(2, p)>, so it might be a good first one to try and understand what it looks like.

TODO understand intuitively why they are called of Lie type. Their names $A_n$, $B_n$ seem to correspond to the members of the <classification of simple Lie groups> which are also named like that.

But they are of course related to <Lie groups>, and as suggested at <video Yang-Mills 1 by David Metzler (2011)> part 2, the continuity actually simplifies things.