Source: /cirosantilli/josephson-effect

= Josephson effect
{tag=1973 Nobel Prize in Physics}

<Discrete> <quantum> effect observed in <superconductors> with a small insulating layer, a device known as a <Josephson junction>.

To understand the behaviour effect, it is important to look at the <Josephson equations> consider the following <Josephson effect regimes> separately:
* <DC Josephson effect>
* <AC Josephson effect>
* <Inverse AC Josephson effect>

A good summary from Wikipedia by physicist Andrew Whitaker:
\Q[at a junction of two superconductors, a current will flow even if there is no drop in voltage; that when there is a voltage drop, the current should oscillate at a frequency related to the drop in voltage; and that there is a dependence on any magnetic field]

* "Superconductivity: Professor <Brian Josephson>". Several random excerpts from Cambridge people talking about the Josephson effect