Source: /cirosantilli/schrodinger-equation-simulations

= Schrödinger equation simulations

* "Schrodinger equation solved numerically in 3D" by Tetsuya Matsuno. 3D hydrogen atom, code may be hidden in some paper, maybe
* "Computational Quantum Mechanics" by Let's Code Physics. Uses a 1D
* Simulating Quantum Systems \[Split Operator Method\] by LeiosOS (2018)
* Simulating the Quantum World on a <classical computer>[Classical Computer] by Garnet Chan (2016) discusses how modeling only local <entanglement> can make certain simulations feasible

{title=Simulation of the time-dependent Schrodinger equation (<JavaScript> Animation) by Coding Physics (2019)}
Source code:[]. One dimensional potentials, non-interacting particles. The code is clean, graphics based on[], and all maths from scratch. Source organization and comments are typical of numerical code, the anonymous author is was likely a Fortran user in the past.

A potential change patch in `sketch.js`:
-   potential:     x => 2E+4*Math.pow((4*x - 1)*(4*x - 3),2),
+ potential:     x => 4*Math.pow(x - 0.5, 2),

{title=Quantum Mechanics 5b - Schrödinger Equation II by <ViaScience> (2013)}
{description=2D non-interacting particle in a box, description says using <Scilab>[Scilab] and points to source. Has a double slit simulation.}

{title=Visualization of Quantum Physics (Quantum Mechanics) by udiprod (2017)}
{description=Closed source, but a fantastic visualization and explanation of a 1D free wave packet, including how measurement snaps position to the measured range, <position and momentum space> and the <uncertainty principle>.}