Source: cirosantilli/spin-number-of-a-field

= Spin number of a field
{tag=Pauli exclusion principle}

= Spin number

= Spin comes naturally when adding relativity to quantum mechanics

I like <relativistic quantum mechanics>.

Best mathematical explanation: <spin comes naturally when adding relativity to quantum mechanics>{full}.

<Physics from Symmetry by Jakob Schwichtenberg (2015)> chapter 3.9 "Elementary particles" has an amazing summary of the preceding chapters the <spin (physics)> value has a relation to the <representation theory>[representations] of the <Lorentz group>, which encodes the <spacetime symmetry> that each particle observes. These symmetries can be characterized by small integer numbers:
* <spin 0>: $(0, 0)$ representation
* <spin half>: $(1/2, 0) \bigoplus (0, 1/2)$ representation
* <spin 1>: $(1/2, 1/2)$ representation
<parameters of the Standard Model>[As usual], we don't know why there aren't <elementary particles> with other spins, as we could construct them.

* <video Quantum Field Theory visualized by ScienceClic English (2020)>
* <spin comes naturally when adding relativity to quantum mechanics>
* What does spin 0 mean exactly? on <Physics Stack Exchange>