Source: /cirosantilli/x86-paging/64-bit-architectures

= 64-bit architectures

64 bits is still too much address for current RAM sizes, so most architectures will use less bits.

x86_64 uses 48 bits (256 TiB), and legacy mode's PAE already allows 52-bit addresses (4 PiB). 56-bits is a likely future candidate.

12 of those 48 bits are already reserved for the offset, which leaves 36 bits.

If a 2 level approach is taken, the best split would be two 18 bit levels.

But that would mean that the page directory would have `2^18 = 256K` entries, which would take too much RAM: close to a single-level paging for 32 bit architectures!

Therefore, 64 bit architectures create even further page levels, commonly 3 or 4.

x86_64 uses 4 levels in a `9 | 9 | 9 | 9` scheme, so that the upper level only takes up only `2^9` higher level entries.

The 48 bits are split equally into two disjoint parts:
----------------- FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF
Top half
----------------- FFFF8000 00000000

Not addressable

----------------- 00007FFF FFFFFFFF
Bottom half
----------------- 00000000 00000000

A 5-level scheme is emerging in 2016: which allows 52-bit addresses with 4k pagetables.