About Programthink

ID: about-programthink

About Programthink by anonymousajo1u12nglajgk 1 Updated +Created
I can not join your movement because I really have more reasons than other ones. For privacy, I can't explain that. And, For me, I know that for the current situations in China, I can't do anything. For China, I think only solution is revolution not reform. The protesters will die with nobody know that without tech. People could try, but it is a Way of Sacrifice.


According the report, this organization help programthink arrested. I research that for some days, and the evidences express its correctness.

净网志愿者协会, may one day you will be captured by them. But you are foreigner, they don't have a way to do that.

净网志愿者协会, it is a semi-official organization but with high-tech hacker technology. You know, in China, high-tech hackers will not be an offical. Because it is a semi-official organization with many young little-pink engineer, the tracking for programthink, it could be done.

They are actually not wumao, but they may be more formidable opponent. But you live aboard, they can't do anything and officals will not always listen their views.

Why do I think its claim for programthink's arrest is credible? Because some inference.
The organization says programthink is 马勇康.

one year passed, 2022/05, offical media(only media) say 马某某,煽动分裂国家、煽动颠覆国家政权

the 马 first name only has 1% population in China. Coincidence? And according the report's keyword: 浙江温州, 科技有限公司,“洗脑”,“人生导师”,顽固

just like a copycat keyword for programthink blog and it conforms characteristics.

and the organization say 马勇康 is 山东人, the offical media say he is 浙江人

According the data in the website or anywhere:

浙江(ZheJiang province) have less 马 than 山东.
And programthink family's post say programthink lastly has a business travel to a city in eastern China, you see 温州,浙江,上海,all keyword is about the eastern China. 温州 is a interesting keyword, if you search programthink's issues, it has a strange 温州 people, but no other Zhejiang province's county.

And other crime such as 政治纲领, as I know for CCP cop, they need some more outstanding achievement. 继续调查中,because the CCP cop needs more news by the mouth even it is not neutral. And, it is possible that programthink think he could take the all blames on his shoulder maybe.

These inference may is only inference by brain ———— we never know what is a truth.

净网志愿者协会 mentions programthink in the video.

I only know that they may be the not many real high-tech little-pink and hackers and really can do that. They are more terrible cop, even sometimes, gov will not listen them. I don't know in 2022 the organizations like it will do what.

Sometimes I think what is better? For my reasons I know I couldn't join yours. And I can't keep "doublethink"(ps: I'm not an official, official never doublethink). The only difference between China and 1984 may is the war is peace. China gov officials say China love peace, and in fact, CCP indeed take less war than other countries. But it is Chinese nature, may CCP also keep something.

CCP is not worse like Russia, so it is more difficult, for any reform. And reform may not work too fast or really work, only revolution.

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