Ciro Santilli's formal education
ID: ciro-santilli-s-formal-education
Ciro Santilli participated in a double degree program, so he obtained have engineering degrees in both:
- 2010 - 2014: École PolytechniqueMaster 2 degree in applied mathematics.Best French engineering schools in the Times Ranking 2013 (archive)
- Ciro Santilli's undergrad studies at the University of São Paulo
See also further remarks on Ciro Santilli's LinkedIn:
Despite studying in great institutions with great teachers, Ciro feels that:
- most of what he knows came from the Internet, man pages, books and his parents
- actual projects matter much more than those pieces of paper called Diplomas. You should not do like Ciro who basically did nothing but school mandated work, but instead grow some balls and focus much more or entirely on your projects
This motivated Ciro to work on
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