Open source

ID: ciro-santilli-s-open-source-contributions/open-source

Open source by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
2019-04gnuplotWhy does plotting with point labels make plot generation extremely slow?
2019-04GDB DashboardLimit the size of shown arguments in the Stack display
2018-03QEMU2Test record and replay feature. Also here
2018-02pandocAdd option to produce AsciiDoc output without explicit heading ids
2017-10AndroidGLES3 content gles3jni from ndk examples fails with "java.lang.RuntimeException: createContext failed: EGL_BAD_CONFIG"
2017-09Mozilla rrHow to automatically start replay and go directly to main instead of _start?
2017-09Mozilla rrReverse step over time(NULL) enters rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S and leads to "Cannot find bounds of current function"
2017-08xselWhy maximum 4000 characters output with xsel -b ?
2017-06BuildrootDon't print mutiline struct function arguments on stack when set pretty print on
2017-04GDB DashboardAdd style option to print stack arguments on a single line
2017-05BuildrootBuild fails with "unexpected EOF while looking for matching "'" if PATH contains a newline
2017-04GDB DashboardAdd style option to print stack arguments on a single line
2017-03clBLAS.s[0] + CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL
2017-01game-icons.netUse multiple separate paths, allow customizing the color of each component, and give a default color
2017-01game-icons.netdelapouite/originals/svg/brick-wall.svg has some whitespace on top
2017-01OpenAI Gymexamples/agents/ fails with "AttributeError: 'TimeLimit' object has no attribute 'viewer'"
2016-12Simple DirectMedia LayerAdd C variable printf debug snippets
2015-03tigAccepted feature.
2014-11Bootstrap Hover DropdownBug confirmed.
2014-11GitLabBug confirmed.
2014-11GitLabProblem with the display icons in the left block
2014-11sassBug confirmed.
2014-10GitLabPoint duplicate.
2014-10GitLabBug confirmed.
2014-10GitLabBug confirmed.
2014-10Semaphore CIBug confirmed.
2014-10libgit2Bug confirmed.
2014-10GitLabPoint duplicate.
2014-09vader.vimAccepted feature.
2014-09GitLabPoint already fixed.
2014-09vader.vimAccepted feature.
2014-09GitLabBug confirmed.
2014-09GitLabBug confirmed.
2014-09GitLabPoint duplicate.
2014-09GitLabPoint already fixed.
2014-08markdownlint/markdownlintAccepted feature.
2014-08softcoverAccepted feature.
2014-08markdownlint/markdownlintAccepted feature.
2014-07GitLabBug confirmed.
2014-07GitLabAccepted feature.
2014-07GitLabAccepted feature.
2014-06GitLabAccepted feature.
2014-06GitLabPoint duplicate.
2014-06karlcow/markdown-testsuiteBug confirmed.
2014-06plasticboy/vim-markdownClose issue.
2014-06plasticboy/vim-markdownReview patch.
2014-06plasticboy/vim-markdownReview and patch patch.
2014-05softcoverAccepted feature.
2014-04karlcow/markdown-testsuiteClose issue with better issues.
2014-03tigAccepted feature.
2014-03GitLabAccepted feature.
2014-03softcoverAccepted feature.
2014-03GitLabAdd useful information.
2014-03GitLabPoint duplicate.
2014-03GitLabPoint duplicate.
2014-03GitLabAccepted feature.
2014-02GitLabPoint duplicate.
2014-02GitLabAccepted feature.
2014-02OverleafFeature generated considerable interest.
2014-02GitLabPoint already fixed.
2014-02GitLabLink feature request to patch.
2013-10yakuakeBug confirmed.
2013-10okularBug confirmed.
2013-06krusaderBug confirmed.
2013-05NumPyBug confirmed + inner cause.
2012-05krusaderAccepted feature.
2012-05krusaderBug confirmed.
2012-05AutoKeyBug confirmed.

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