Computer science course of the University of Oxford

ID: computer-science-course-of-the-university-of-oxford

Computer science course of the University of Oxford by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Course lists: True to form, courses appear to have identifiers, e.g. qi for the Quantum Information course of the University of Oxford rather than more arbitrary A1/A2/A3, B1/B2/B3, naming convention used by the Mathematics course of the University of Oxford and the Physics course of the University of Oxford, and URLs can either have years or not:
The "course materials" section of each course leads to which is paywalled by IP (accessible via Eduroam): TODO which system does it use? Some courses place their materials directly on "", and when that is the case they are publicly accessible. So it is very much hit and miss. E.g. from Quantum Processes and Computation course of the University of Oxford has the assignments such as publicly visible, but e.g. has nothing.

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