Bitcoin Burn Addresses: Unveiling the Permanent Losses and Their Underlying Causes

ID: cool-data-embedded-in-the-bitcoin-blockchain/bitcoin-burn-addresses-unveiling-the-permanent-losses-and-their-underlying-causes

By Mohamed el Khatib and Arnaud Legout.
Both autors were at Inria Centre at Université Côte d'Azur, Mohamed the intern and Arnaud the Inria researcher employee.
Cool, this method could reveal novel P2FKH images:
We propose a methodology to automatically detect burn addresses. We manually classified
208,656 addresses suspected to be burn addresses because they have a low Shannon entropy
Our model identified 7,905 true burn addresses from a pool of 1,283,997,050 addresses with only 1,767 false positive.
Unfortunately their method might not be well suited for finding images, later on:
Storing images for fun and posterity. We did not observe plain text messages encoded in Bech32 addresses. As our methodology is designed to identify burn addresses with a human-readable structure or easily identifiable patterns, we are not supposed to detect images encoded in burn addresses.
Data for their results can be found at:

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