Technically interesting ordinal

ID: cool-data-embedded-in-the-bitcoin-blockchain/technically-interesting-ordinal

Technically interesting ordinal by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
This section is about ordinals that are interesting primarily due to technical reasons linked to edge cases of the protocol.
Interesting MIME types:
Different ord markers:
  • 71e85885522047240a9e70542145dbf2385e1bd468e6ac6002aa755422ea10f5 uses takingnames. Decode with:
    bitcoin-core.cli decodescript "$(bitcoin-core.cli getrawtransaction 71e85885522047240a9e70542145dbf2385e1bd468e6ac6002aa755422ea10f5 true | jq -r '.vin[0].txinwitness[1]')" | jq -r .asm | sed 's/.* 0 //;s/ OP_ENDIF//;s/ //g' | xxd -r -p > 71e85885522047240a9e70542145dbf2385e1bd468e6ac6002aa755422ea10f5.png
    gives the PNG of the wireframe draing of a washing machine with transparent background.

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