ID: cool-data-embedded-in-the-bitcoin-blockchain/themes
In this section we document events that led to a large number of thematically related messages being added to the chain., e.g. referencing some current event that happened, as opposed to the media encoding/type like images and text sections.
"Hitler did nothing wrong" meme [ref] is repeated several times, e.g.: tx 41967a7d75e9e1ca8c142a45ce29ea08b451a3b55c3e33538f5cc8a389ec66ab (2015-07-20):This one is also an Eternity Wall message.
EW Hitler did nothing wrong.
- tx 1c05bb7c0a8c9498d33a1e6d4a91bbb4c651daa5ea5a21aa5c8c600d3300b8bb Viva Brazil's Impeachment!
- tx 105fb3a0be8ab50bfa36012e0319a752dee39702cb44f3904cf423eb20367d57 contains a misogenous joke:which translates to:
A mulher feia so tem uma coisa a oferecer,uma boa foda(Diego Silva de Oliveira)
It is attributed to Diego Silva de Oliveira, possibly this football player:,_born_1990)Ugly women only have one thing to offer, a good fuck
- c72dc315a5504362d01f2dcdfe77826d14a9eb3411b83edd7aa782e95e4a7794 via
NÓS DISSEMOS SIM AGÊNCIA TRANSITIVA 2015 Nota pública de reconhecimento do Acordo Reconformado, assinado pela Agência Transitiva e pela Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage, em 22 de Abril de 2015. #ENCRUZILHADA EAV PARQUE LAGE 22.04.2015
- 1c05bb7c0a8c9498d33a1e6d4a91bbb4c651daa5ea5a21aa5c8c600d3300b8bb via
Viva Brazil's Impeachment!
Our indexer does not handle UTF-8, here's a collection of some UTF-8 messages we've stumbled upon somewhat randomly:
- 7eb561f2139761064de20033fa4843f1f3e1a9551268704b36f84d94e66fd91a
يا سلم!
شعرك جميل
و عينيك حلوة
انا عطشان
اِروني من عينيكO peace!
Your hair is beautiful
And your eyes are beautiful
I'm thirsty
Show me from your eyes - b7376cae03b88392e5fd0292bcb43105386fbb534fc9be68c1e3d0b8f39e5ba4 via
sjalom, salaam, peace!
الدين - 7a898b7e6b2145f4f887e1ff890d0b613e3008fbe350aa92662735e3acd0c0bc
هذه رسالة من المستقبل
إلى الماضي ...
الحياة صعبة في المستقبل
رعاية العالم
وتحمل المسؤولية
/yThis is a message from the future
To the past...
Life is difficult in the future
Caring for the world
And take responsibility
- 1dcd62c922eb1ddbc1f58615b6271d64736bf55e83408cef02a7d0ac6707e423 via
А на Земле Быть Добру!
And on Earth To Be Good!
- 596cc6e905a5fc8248cf59198a19ce5070228b302a9f3a993197e2c87ddcaf14 via
Книга Вечно Живущих открыта
The Book of the Ever-Living is open
- 596cc6e905a5fc8248cf59198a19ce5070228b302a9f3a993197e2c87ddcaf14 via
Это тест, сука блять.
This is a test, motherfucker.
- ed56ef68ccbfb1d47bc159fb62fab6807ee4d7363d0ad4cded2e922a5b47362e via
Путин хуйло лалалалалалалалалал
Putin sucks lalalalalalalalala
- 12b32b6752fbf521243c63dfb5e3fda46523dd7b572143635458f743591d3e35 via
Chinese test
- a3dbd6cbb8637b6bf91d22ea97db2843d995498fd62740b9ed1e9dc068f2ad2d via
R.I.P aaarobbie(書玄)
- Ordinal ruleset inscription
- tx 8e89ce6bef85aea795f41f97a4dcd550d8cbc6d1f606f37109f6dc8b31f91bc1: Diamond Sutra in Chinese. Again at tx 0bc660cc2c6d0ec4f7dfe61bfb3a592b4a65677b16da7db35729fd43eee5323e.
- tx 7b0a0b9f18a729e905822304f9c4c05f8851d10bdc82efa902fd936ef874efeb: the first few poems from Three Hundred Tang Poems, a collection of famous Chinese poems from the Tang dynasty compiled in 1763. Each poem uses a classical Chinese poetry form with a small number of verses, usually 4, and fits into one line. Most lines contain the poem title, dynasty, author name followed by the poem, e.g. the first line:is amazingly translated by Google Translate as:
《春晓》唐 文嘉 春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟。 夜来风雨声,花落知多少。
"Spring Dawn" by Wenjia of the Tang Dynasty: When I sleep in spring, I don't realize the dawn, and I hear the singing of birds everywhere. The night comes wind and rain, Whispering Colour.
- ac2ad7c15162a8e461387b0d0d681bb5f81f2db1138b8f200b81bbc585bd0b8f via
Don't forgive Moky's flashbang
- 0b32736592ce7abdd4d971bc4591544e1610ff51f498c9a14a6ba34a3abcad5d via
חתימה טובה לכולם בכלל ולחברי ביטקוין ישראלי בפרט.
A good signature for everyone in general and Israeli Bitcoin members in particular.
- d7b80c8fefc88cc3f06d74f8496e2dc6f44b5f5f0a59f9ba1ba27266848a8666 via contains what appears to be UTF-8 Hebrew text on my terminal, but Google Translate couldn't translate it, so we are unsure.
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